Wednesday, July 29, 2009

'Speak Proper English or Filipino always with kindness''

English or Filipino are very important to us.In this case we will know how to speak English or Filipino to other people especially when we go to abroad or other countries not only in our country.
''English or Filipino'' that's the most used of every people to their countries.In case when we go to other country we already know on how to speak well in english. We can speak fluently and we can understand each, in what they mean and what we means.
This two languages are the common languages in which people talk very often even in differrent countries besides their own dialect ar language.So constant makes Perfect.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good Nutrition is for Good Health

What is Nutrition for us?
This time the need of taking up nutrition helps and maintain the Good function of the body.We all need this for our own good health which is our most treasure in this world for not having or got sick .
We should take care by ourselves in taking up Good Nutrition which is simple but full of Vitamins needed by,or body builders .Fuits and Vegetables are rich in vitamins which is good for the body.To help us in buying this we can produce by Planting in our backyards,gardening greenleafy Vegetables and planting Fruit Trees and give us also fresh air which is good for our health.
By doing this we need not to buy very expensive and useless by poor in Nutrients.To maintain good health ,eat greenleafy vegetables everyday and good diet its free us from different diseases So, we take care ourselves because the medicine are very expensive.